Escape HTML whitespace

Escape white space with %20 in place

def htmlEncode(ch: Array[Char]) = {
  var spaces = 0
  for (c <- ch) {
    if (c == ' ')
      spaces += 1
  val newLength = ch.length + 2 * spaces
  ch(newLength) = '\0'
  for (i <- ch.length - 1 to 0 by -1) {
    if (ch(i) == ' ') {
      ch(newLength - 1) = ch(i)
      ch(newLength - 2) = ch(i - 1)
      ch(newLength - 3) = ch(i - 2)
      newLength - 3
    } else {
      ch(newLength - 1) = ch(i)
      newLength - 1

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